Did you know? Fast Fashion is killing the planet

Feb February 2020
Fast Fashion is killing the planet. We need to think before buying
Fashion is imposing its diktats on us. Fashion is contributing to deteriorate the planet. The nice sweater, the beautiful blouse, the incredible bargains push us to buy more and more. In France, on the course of the last 15 years, 60% more clothes have been bought than the years before. It makes for a lot of nice sweaters and beautiful blouses! A French reporter has inquired and her video is quite shocking.
And by the way, what do we do we all the clothes that we buy? What happened to them when we don’t want to wear the nice sweater or the beautiful blouse because we have seen nicer items in stores? Those clothes go mostly in the garbage. Litteraly. So we have to think before buying because our closets are not extensible indefinitely. Those clothes did not come out of thin air. They represent a lot of resources, resources that are draining our planet.
A video (in French we have to reveal) that is a must seen documentary!